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The Best Doorbell Cameras

Thu, Jul 08, 2021

Video doorbell cameras are an edition of the range of security systems. These allow the consumer to be aware of the activities in front of their doorstep. Two types of variants of this technology are offered, i.e., wireless and wired, each having its advantages and drawbacks. These doorbells are a prevention method for the frequent porch pirating cases. These devices record all activities occurring and deliver to the consumer to be aware of the situation at all times. With a growing market, there are many options for consumers to surf the market to choose a product that suits their needs.

What Are the Best Doorbell Cameras?

Considering the customer satisfaction surveys, the video doorbell that comes out on top in being well perceived by its customers is the 2nd Gen of “Ring Video Doorbell.” Although this device’s name could be a little deceiving at first, its functionality is actually quite effortless. The device offers refined and streamlined image quality and could either be operated on a battery or the traditional electrically wired method.

The device is also equipped with additional features that allow the customer to customize their video output—for example, allowing specified zones for motion detection and adding blackout parts in the video. All of this is offered at a very competitive price. The smart doorbell and motion detector can be used without a subscription being required but if the customers want to have recorded footage of their device, additional payment could be made to activate the plan to avail of this feature.   

Top Best Smart Doorbell Cameras

1. Arlo Essential Video Doorbell

If you want to keep an eye on your doorstep, Arlo Essential Video Doorbell could be an ideal choice for you. It is wire-free and can be easily installed in your home for business premises. This device is equipped with rigid hardware and quick response times. It has a pretty well-developed software capable of accurately distinguishing between vehicles, people, packages, animals, etc., which implies that the probability of a false alarm it reduced significantly.

  • A subscription of $3 per month subscription of Arlo smart unlocks devices advance sensing and allows the device to record video clips up to 5 mins long.
  • Arlo doorbell camera has a resolution of 1536x1536.
  • It also has a 180-degree viewing angle, which essentially presents a comprehensive view of the activities going on in front of your door.

2. Eufy Security Video Doorbell 2K

This weather-resistant Security Video Doorbell available in 2 variants- wired and battery-powered. The significant difference between these two variants is powered by the doorbell wired systems while others are fully battery powered and don’t require the hassle of installing doorbell wiring. It has internal storage, which is capable of storing videos for 30 days. You don’t need to count extra fees after installing the Eufy video doorbell.

  • The doorbell is equipped with motion detection and is able to distinguish between people and other motion to some extent.
  • Second difference is in the clip size of the devices, with the wired one being able to record up to 5 mins clip on detection of motion, while the battery powered device is only capable of 60 sec clips.
  • Access to their cloud service of the company is also available at $3 per month where one gets excess to 4gb built in memory for the video clips can be stored and a more secure location for up to 30 days.
  • 2k videos and clear two-way audio are the basic operations of the doorbell.

3. Google Nest Hello

Google Nest Hello is a smart, easy-to-use, good-looking doorbell. You don’t need professional help to install it. It performs best in its full subscription under a good Wi-Fi connection. Its excellent camera can capture HD video with face recognition features.

  • It has a resolution of 1600x1200 pixels which is capable of storing video to its cloud 24/7.
  • The google cloud service automatically marks clips where motion or people are detected, and utilizes facial-recognition software to observe effectively people’s arrival and departure times.
  • An alternate is also offered by the company in for of Nest Aware subscription which at a cost of $6 a month, capture motion events and store them for 30 days,
  • Another package at $12 per month where individuals are offered with storage of such events up to 60 days or to store the 24/7 footage for up to 10 days.

4. Ring Video Doorbell 3

This Ring Video Doorbell is the latest update of its 2015 version. Manufacture upgrades its processor and also includes many useful features like improved audio, motion tracking, etc. This smart doorbell responds to Alexa voice commands and is compatible with other smart devices because of its IFTTT applets.

  • Ring video doorbell 3 is a fully battery powered device which is a suitable option for locations with not a steady source of power.
  • The doorbell camera offers 1080p resolution and decent customization to the motion alert operation.
  • The video storage fees are also quite affordable.
  • The device offers a feature called Pre-roll which basically is a 4 sec clip prior to the actual motion event.

5. Logitech Circle View Doorbell

This device is an addition to the range of appliances that could be operated using the Apple Home Kit. the doorbell will natively work with Apple’s HomeKit platform. Since it is run by Apple home kit allows access to well-secured cloud storage at your disposal. The camera offers a fine video quality both day and night. This

  • Fast Video feed loading
  • compact design
  • Easy installation
  • Supports both 2.4 and 5GHz Wi-Fi
  • Better quality night mood casmera
  • You will not face unwanted interference or police access to your video clips
  • The 3:4 aspect ratio allows a vast view of the front porch.

6. Maximus Answer DualCam

Most of the doorbell camera comes with a wide-angle fisheye lens that can cover 2 sides and front of the house well but not the down so well. Maximus Answer DualCam Video Doorbell can be a solution for this issue. One camera works like the wide-angle fisheye lens and another pointed down to cover the rest of the area to give a complete view.

  • Maximus Answer DualCam is equipped with a dual-camera setup which have a video resolution of 1080p and 720p respectively.
  • This dual camera feature enables the user to view directly down of their door to analyze if there is a package their or if someone tries to steal it, along it a front camera which executes its generic role.
  • However, the device lacks in speaker quality and compatibility with other smart home systems such as google assistant and Alexa.

How to Choose the Best Video Doorbell

1. Wired vs. Wireless

Although having a decent and effective wired system in the new houses which are capable of delivering required volts to the appliances efficiently, this could not be said about some old houses made. Most of the video doorbells require a minimum of 16 volts to function, which could be an issue in an older house. If the individuals are keen to have a video doorbell installed, there are 2 modes of execution, either to have the wiring upgraded or shift to a battery powered alternative. So, this could be the deciding factor weather a person prefers a wired option or a battery powered one.

2. Doorbell Placement

Doorbell placement could be a deciding factor as it depends if a new setup of doorbell is to be installed or an existing doorbell is being replaced. Installing a new setup would have its own challenges with wiring being done prior to the installation if a wired option is considered, but a wireless device would be much easier to install, although having some drawbacks. Installation in an existing system would also have its challenges depending on the health of the existing wires and their efficiency.

3. Field of View

For most individuals, it is essential for them to be aware of every aspect around their entryway, giving them the ability to analyze their surroundings. The Arlo essential video doorbell and Ring video doorbell 2 are a great option if considering this aspect as they provide wide viewing angles to the consumer.

4. Video Resolution

Higher resolution implies a sharper image and thus better recognition of an individual at your doorstep. In this scenario, Ring offers its range which equipped with high resolution cameras providing 1080p recording, thus delivering a crisp depiction of the front door of the set location.

5. Night Mode

In order to be able to capture videos at night, devices take various approach in order to get decent result. Some devices are equipped with motion-activated LEDs to light the field of view of the camera while others come with infrared night vision, which allows to see in the dark but the image is monochromatic. 

6. Design

Aesthetics are obviously a major concern as this, although unconsciously, does make an impact of the guest and a well-designed doorbell would add to the character of the individual’s residence.

7. Video Doorbells vs. Security Cameras

Video doorbells, although ensuring your safety to some extent, cannot to stated as a fully relayed upon security protocol. They have their limitations of restricted field of view along side false alarms being a main concern in this system.

When it comes to security, a dedicated home security camera would be comparatively a better choice. The camera is capable to having a wide field of view and could be placed strategically anywhere to ensure safety rather than only in front of door. The video is also backed up and could be viewed prior to any motion detection event.

Considering all preferences of the consumer, companies are offering products that covers most of the audience in this market segment. Which suggests a more competitive market and thus competitive pricing for the products. Thus, allows the consumer to have a vast range of products at a similar price bracket. With these doorbells, not only a person secures their front porch but also adds to the character of their house, so this product also has a aesthetic value to it.

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