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How to Keep Your Security Cameras Safe

Thu, Jul 08, 2021

Are you worried about how to keep your home security cameras safe from hackers? Worry no more. This article will outline some tips to ensure the cameras are secure and difficult to crack by hackers. 

Besides that, you will also learn the indicators that will help you determine if the security camera has been hacked in order to take the necessary measures.

How Do You Know Your Cameras Hacked?

It’s possible for your home security camera to be hacked. But how do you determine with certainty that hackers have compromised the cameras? Here are the indicators that will help you in determining the same.

  • There will be Changes in the settings of your home security camera.
  • You will notice sharp increase in the flow of data to your home camera and the network as well.
  • The camera will rotate in circular motions as it follows your movement in the room.
  • There will be unusual voices or rather noises from the camera’s IP.
  • Random illuminations or blinks from the LED lights without the triggers coming from you in person

Tips for Keeping Your Security Cameras Safe

Now that you know your home security camera is not immune to hackers, what measures can you take to prevent this from happening? Below is an outline of tips that can help you keep your home security camera safe from hackers.

  • Always buy new security cameras and never already used ones.
  • The number of devices you use to access the security should be limited to a minimum. This could include your desktop, android phone, and laptop only.
  • Use strong and secure passwords that will be difficult for hackers to crack. Strong passwords include a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Also, remember to change the password frequently.
  • Buy home security cameras from reputable companies. From such companies, you get cameras with already in-built encryption. The encryption makes it hard for hackers to crack.
  • Check your logins from time to time to check for any abnormalities and anything unusual.
  • Public connections are not safe to use while accessing your home security cameras, therefore don’t use them to access your security system.
  • Always ensure your system is up-to-date by upgrading the firmware when updates are available.
  • Invest in anti-jammers to enable you detect jamming devices and take action soon enough.

In conclusion, to ensure your home security camera works effectively in keeping your home safe. You have to ensure the camera is safe as well. Therefore, ensure you follow the tips mentioned above to keep your home security camera safe from hackers.

X-Sense outdoor security camera

X-Sense S21 Security Camera

  1. It is Wi-Fi compatible and provides encryption.
  2. It is compatible with a smart home device, and you can control it with your voice.
  3. The camera Produces 2K HD videos.
  4. It has playback features.
  5. It has inbuilt storage to store videos.
  6. It is waterproof
  7. It has inbuilt sensors to detect motion and sound
  8. It has two-way audio to speak to visitors on the door.
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