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How Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work

Fri, May 22, 2020

Carbon Monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, and colorless gas that emanates from the incomplete burning of carbon fuels. It is a very dangerous gas if the fuels are burning in poorly ventilated areas. Its accumulation due to poor ventilation can cause the untimely death of occupants in that room without any realization. Accidental deaths can be prevented by installing carbon monoxide detectors and ensuring proper ventilation of buildings.

What Is Carbon Monoxide and Why Is It Dangerous.

Carbon Monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas emitted from incomplete combustion of carbon fuels like coal, wood or gasoline. CO gas is very dangerous because of its traits; its accumulation may not be realized. Its net result is drowsiness followed by the fact that you will fall asleep and die a painless but unnecessary death.

How Do Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work

CO detectors work differently depending on the sensor technology, but one thing they have in common is that the alarm will be triggered after they sense a particular amount of The Carbon Monoxide gas. Below are three different sensor alert types.

1. Biomimetic sensor

It has a gel whose color changes when it absorbs CO gas. The color change then triggers the alert alarm.

2. Electrochemical sensor

They are fitted with electrodes immersed in chemical solutions with the ability to detect the slightest change in electric current brought about by carbon monoxide contact. This change in current will trigger the alarm to go off.

3. Metal oxide semiconductors

They are fitted with silica chips in their circuits to detect the presence of CO gas. Its presence causes a drop in electrical resistance and the alarm is triggered.

X-Sense CO03D Carbon Monoxide Detector

X-Sense CO03D Carbon Monoxide Detector

  1. Digital LCD clearly displays real-time CO concentration levels and battery power.
  2. 10-year sensor life with replaceable batteries provides uninterrupted 24/7 protection.
  3. Detects CO threats accurately with the advanced Figaro electrochemical CO sensor.
  4. Easy to install onto any wall or ceiling without hardwiring.
  5. Meets safety standards UL 2034 (US) and EN 50291 (EU).
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Tips to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning causes serious health risks and below is a list of tips to prevent its occurrence. We shall also look at what should be done in case the alarm goes off.

  • Gas range appliances should not be used for heating purposes.
  • Do not leave your car engine running in the garage purposely to warm the engine.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors in various rooms in your home.
  • Ensure you have proper ventilation including areas with closed spaces.
  • Ensure you practice proper cooking safety measures during camping and excursions

What one should do in case the CO detector alarm goes off?

  • To begin with, never should you panic when the CO detector alarm goes off, ensure you and your family stay calm at all times as you gather to move to an open place with fresh air outside. As you move to open only the doors and windows along your way out. Do not strive to open others that may not be within range, because you will be putting yourself at risk.
  • Check everyone for flu-like symptoms because they are signs suggesting CO poisoning.
  • In case of any symptoms, dial 911 for immediate help.
  • Do not go back into the house until the emergency responding team declares it safe or the detector alarm goes off.
  • Call a professional and ensure all your appliances are checked thoroughly to avert any occurrence in the future.


In conclusion the accumulation of CO gas in rooms can cause untimely death, it is therefore advisable to invest in good quality CO detectors and ensure proper ventilation of buildings to avert any crisis. Having said that all the necessary precautions and escape procedures should be followed just in case there is an occurrence and the alarm is triggered.

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